Here are some common questions I get that I will answer here in one spot...
What do you eat?
Typically, Breakfast includes crackers with jam, fruit (usually papaya or some citrus), and tea. For lunch I'll eat a can of tuna with salt and fresh chili peppers and lemon juice along with some root crops. And for dinner some type of fish with a local spinach and root crops is pretty typical.
How do you bathe?
I fill a bucket with water that is piped in from the nearby creek. Or if I'm really dirty I just lay in the creek.
How do you know how to build a crab farm?
I don't. I just tried it and so far its working.
Do you miss home?
Family and friends.
Do you live on the beach?
No. I live on the coast and it is beautiful, but surrounded by mangroves and no sandy beach.
What do you do at night?
Read, write, help kids with homework, drink grog.
Do you get paid?
Enough to live at the local level.
What are your most valued possessions?
My boat, my hammock, and my ipod.
Do you have to wipe gecko poop off your bed every night before you crawl into it?
glad to hear that you are wiping the poop off. I guess the only thing we have in common is that I get paid enough to live at the local level, too.